Home Carroll County Maryland State Senator Justin Ready comments about people threatening boycotts to local...

Maryland State Senator Justin Ready comments about people threatening boycotts to local businesses that allow certain campaign signs on their property


If you have driven around Carroll County recently you may have seen signs for candidates running for Board of Education starting to be displayed at various residences, businesses and properties.

Maryland State Senator Justin Ready (District 5) posted the following information on February 15th on social media:

So apparently, there’s a group of people threatening boycotts to local businesses that allowed Greg Malveaux for Board of Education to display signs on their property. I find it fascinating that people who would I assume call themselves progressive would try to intimidate local job creators all for allowing a candidate (for a non-partisan, basically volunteer job helping our schools) to put up signs. The irony of people who I know would call themselves tolerant and committed to diversity threatening a boycott over having signs for the only African-American in the race is pretty rich too. If you want to help Greg fight back against this kind of intolerance, definitely connect with his campaign. I’m supporting Greg and Kristen Zihmer for Carroll for the two spots that will be up for election this year for Carroll County Board of Education, they both are people who want our schools to be safe, focused on academics not politics and responsive to parents and taxpayers.


Here is the post on Facebook so that you can read through the various comments made by other community members on this topic:


The Observer searched for recent public comments on social media related to potential boycotts of businesses for displaying signs of a particular candidate and was unable to find anything specifically shared publicly. If readers have seen specific posts or comments on this topic feel free to send those to news@carrollcountyobserver.com.

A search of current Carroll County BOE candidate campaign pages do not reference this topic as of this article. One would hope this is an issue all of the candidates could agree is not great and should not be happening (Observer Opinion).


From Slate for Student Success is with Amanda Jozkowski for Carroll County Board of Education and Muri Lynn Dueppen for Board of Education on February 16th:

On Tuesday 2/12, when a fundraising email sent by one of our opponents was forwarded to us, Amanda and Muri became aware of the possibility that one or more individuals had communicated their intent to boycott one or more business hosting the candidate’s campaign signs on their property. We acknowledge that boycotts are a form of free speech and that it is potentially useful for a customer to (respectfully, and in the spirit of helpfulness) communicate their concerns to business owners who publicize their political positions. However, we had no knowledge of and do not condone business boycotts in support of our candidacy. In fact, we have explicitly advised against it.

Like many, we are saddened by and weary of divisiveness in our community. We believe that this campaign should be respectful; contended on qualifications, issues, and ideas; and focused on service to students, CCPS staff, and schools.

That said, the way some are now expressing their outrage about this situation on social media is likely causing more division, not less. We’re asking everyone to please turn down the temperature. We have always maintained our intention to run a clean campaign, and hope our supporters consider these wishes when taking actions that could be perceived to be made on our behalf.

If you have questions or would like to discuss further, please feel free to reach out by email or private message.

Thank you,
Amanda & Muri

Here is that post from social media:


If interested in learning more about the candidates…including links to campaign websites and social media channels…be sure to check out this Carroll County BOE candidate tracker:

2024 Carroll County Board of Education Candidate Tracker

You can find the Carroll County Observer on these social media platforms:

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