Home Carroll County July 2022 campaign finance reports for State Senate District 42, State Delegate...

July 2022 campaign finance reports for State Senate District 42, State Delegate District 42C and District 5


Early Voting is happening (it is half way over and ends on July 14th) so there has not been a lot of time to review all of the recent reported campaign finance reports (July 2022).

Here are the summaries of the most recent finance reports from candidates running for Maryland State Senate District 42, State Delegate District 42C and State Delegate District 5 (races of interest here in Carroll County). The two items I focused on in these summaries were:

  1. Who spent the most money since the last reporting period
  2. Who has the most money left over to spend down the stretch of the campaign

Maryland State Senate District 42:

Overall looking at the money in this race (items I am looking at – see above) shows a big advantage for Chris West.

An interesting item of note:

  • West lists $9,125 in “Political Clubs” contributions…actually most of that money is from a variety of PACs (Political Action Committees)….so maybe the campaign team just filed it under the wrong category on the report.

Maryland State Delegate District 42C:

Joshua Stonko is the only candidate in this race really raising or spending money per the latest reports.

Of note:

  • $2,000 of the money raised by Stonko was a candidate loan…so only $25 was money raised from 1 individual contribution.
  • Mallick also had only 1 campaign contribution… it was for $100 in the latest report.

As a resident of this new District in Carroll County I wish I saw more happening in this race overall. The Observer will keep a close eye on whichever candidates comes out on top of this race going forward.

Maryland State Delegate District 5:

Of the three races in this article this is by far the most interesting one. Eight candidates seeking three seats in 2022.

On the money side with the things I am focused on here (who is spending money and who has money to spend down the stretch of this race) here is where things stand:

  • Leading the way is Tomlinson, Rose, Willens and Bouchat
  • Not far behind the top candidates are Taylor and Frazier
  • The low side of the money spectrum are Wantz and Jendrek

Some other interesting notes:

  • Wantz again posts no expenditures on his finance report (this is the second consecutive report with no expenditures noted). This could just be a timing thing with his campaign bills but it has an odd look to it on the reports.
  • Frazier reported a campaign donation from “City of Westminster” in the amount of $90. I have to admit that I have never seen a “city” donate to a political campaign in that way and I have to believe there is more to this donation.

I wish I had the time to conduct a deeper dive on each of these reports but with early voting happening there was just not the time this go around.

If you are interested in viewing the individual candidate reports…I have made it easy for you. I have downloaded all of the July reports and placed them on a Google Drive folder. You can view them all here:


Want more information on these candidates…check out the Carroll County Observer 2022 Voter Guides:

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