Home Carroll County Tri-District Republican Club in Carroll County passed a resolution censuring Delegate Bouchat...

Tri-District Republican Club in Carroll County passed a resolution censuring Delegate Bouchat for his vote on HB558


The following information was sent to The Observer on February 28th by Ray Fava (2023/24 President of the Tri-District Republican Club) via email :

Resolution to Censure Delegate Eric Bouchat for Voting for Compelled Gender Indoctrination in Public Schools

Whereas HB 558 was amended to disallow parents from opting out of curriculum that teaches students theories on gender identity and sexual orientation;

Whereas Delegate Eric Bouchat voted with Democrats to pass this legislation on February 23, 2024, in opposition to the rest of the Carroll County delegation;

Whereas there are only two genders: male and female;

Whereas sex and gender are interchangeable terms describing immutable biology;

Whereas marriage is between a man and a woman;

Whereas the Tri-District Republican Club agrees with the Republican Party Platform that affirms marriage as between one man and one woman, in congruence with Created Order, and calls for the overturn of the Obergefell Supreme Court decision;

Whereas there is malicious intent behind indoctrinating children with ideology opposed to these values and malicious intent behind preventing parents from opting out of this curriculum.

Therefore, be it resolved that we, the members of the Tri-District Republican Club of Northern Carroll County, hereby censure Delegate Eric Bouchat for his vote in favor of HB 558, and be it further

Resolved, we commend Delegates April Rose, Chris Tomlinson, and Joshua Stonko for opposing HB 558.

1: https://carrollcountyobserver.com/2024/02/23/carroll-county-delegate-eric-bouchat-votes-yes-on-hb-558/

2: https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL%5B1%5D-ben_1468872234.pdf


See the PDF version of the resolution here: Resolution to Censure Delegate Eric Bouchat

The website for Tri-District Republican Club: https://liberalsout.org/


Additional details on HB558 covered by The Observer:

Carroll County Delegate Eric Bouchat votes yes on HB 558 – legislation that disallows parents to opt out of the teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation curriculum

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