Home Carroll County All three Republican candidates running in Congressional District 2 attended an event...

All three Republican candidates running in Congressional District 2 attended an event in Carroll County on March 5th


The Republican Club of Carroll County held a meet and greet for the Republican candidates for Congressional District 2 (MD02) and the Board of Education on March 5th. All three Republican candidates running in District 2 attended (Kim Klacik, John Thormann and Dave Wallace).

Here are details about the event from the Republican Club of Carroll County:

Close to 75 people showed up for the Republican Candidate meet and greet last night. We would like to thank Board of Ed candidates Kristen Zihmer for Carroll & Greg Malveaux and Congressional District 2 candidates Kimberly Klacik, John Thormann & Dave Wallace for America for sharing their platforms and answering constituent questions. It was an informative evening and fun event!
We also celebrated the RCCC’s first anniversary!
The RCCC welcomes all the new guests who came out last night and we hope to see you back on April 2!

Original post on social media with additional photos:

Here are additional details from congressional candidates social media channels:

Kim Klacik: (Facebook and Twitter)

Felt great to be back in the saddle!

Thank you, The Republican Club of Carroll County, for hosting the first candidate forum this cycle. It was a packed house. It was great to meet so many people looking forward to flipping Maryland’s CD2.

Let’s win!


The Observer is TRACKING this race (MD02) and will report out any known events seen around Carroll County throughout the campaign cycle in 2024.

Maryland Congressional District 2 comprises parts of Carroll and Baltimore counties, as well as small portions of Baltimore City. To learn more about all of the candidates running in MD02 be sure to check out this Candidate Tracker:

2024 Candidate Tracker for Maryland Congressional District 2 Race

You can find the Carroll County Observer on these social media platforms:

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