Home Howard County Masks are now optional in the Howard County Health Department clinics and...

Masks are now optional in the Howard County Health Department clinics and offices

Image of the building is from the Howard County Health Department website

The following update was shared by the Howard County Health Department (via social media) on February 21st:

UPDATE: Masks are now OPTIONAL in our clinics and throughout our offices (but still recommended). We’re following the science, and adjusting how we mask based on hospitalization rates from the Maryland Department of Health and the CDC. Thanks for helping to keep us and each other safe, HoCo!


A look at the Howard County Health Department website reads:

Masks are NOT required at the Health Department (February 20, 2024), but are welcome. If you are sick (not related to why you are coming to the Health Department), please consider rescheduling your appointment.


Here are some comments made on the social media post from February 21st (see below):

  • Keeping us safe would be to continue requiring masking in order to protect the most vulnerable among us.
  • Can you please provide the peer reviewed study that supports this “science?”
    • there’s no science. It’s about compliance
  • Just another way that disabled people are minimized and kept from engaging in society.
  • What a joke.

Here is that post from social media:

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