Home Carroll County Baltimore Sun Columnist Dan Rodricks hurls insults at Carroll County residents

Baltimore Sun Columnist Dan Rodricks hurls insults at Carroll County residents


Baltimore Sun Columnist Dan Rodricks decides to hurl insults (that is very much what I believe he did) towards Carroll County residents in a recent tweet (on July 13th). The tweet simply reads “The fascists are everywhere. #Maryland #TrumpCounty” while sharing the Baltimore Sun / Carroll County Times article “Requests to remove 39 books from school libraries to be reviewed by Carroll County Public Schools committee

He added to this tweet with his own reply of “Challenged books include “The Bluest Eye,” by Toni Morrison, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” by Stephen Chbosky, and “A Court of Mist and Fury,” by Sarah J. Maas. #censorship #MAGA

I find it interesting that he only mentioned 3 of the 39 books noted in that article and nothing about they type of content of all of those books.

The Twitter account (@DanRodricks) Dan Rodricks, Baltimore Sun, News Guild bio reads:  Baltimore Sun columnist since January 1979. Broun Award winner. My play: http://baltimoreyouhavenoidea.com My blog: http://danrodricks.com My book: “Father’s Day Creek”

The Bio for Dan on the Baltimore Sun reads “Dan Rodricks is a long-time columnist for The Baltimore Sun, and a local radio and television personality who has won several national and regional journalism awards over a reporting, writing and broadcast career spanning five decades. He is the author of three books, including “Father’s Day Creek” (Apprentice House 2019)”

That tweet (pictured above) has more than 8,000 impressions as of the early afternoon of July 14th and a number of comments. Some of the comments were in favor of the tweet and some against it. You can view all of the comments below the tweet on Twitter…they are an intersting read…

I think Kit Hart said it best in her public testimony on July 13th when she said the following about the books put up for reconsideration “…each and every one of them depicts graphic sex or rape through visuals and or textual descriptions. That is the only criteria we chose for selecting these books…”

This is what was said by the Carroll County residents that were apparently called fascists by The Sun Columnist:

Here was the response from the Carroll County Public Schools Superintendent on July 13th during the meeting about the books submitted for reconsideration:

I am having a hard time understanding the push back against removing this type of content from a PUBLIC school system. Not every issue should be a “Right vs Left” fight…some things should just be easy (like ensuring we have age appropriate materials in our schools).

What do you think?

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