Home Carroll County How members of Congress from Maryland voted on the Debt Ceiling Deal

How members of Congress from Maryland voted on the Debt Ceiling Deal


With an overwhelming House vote, 314-117, the Debt Ceiling Deal bill passed on May 31st and now heads to the Senate.

Here is how the Congress members from Maryland voted on the deal (all seven Democrats voting yes and the one Republican voting no).

Here are statements released from the Congress members that represent Carroll County:

Congressman Ruppersberger:

Congressman Sarbanes:

Observations and Opinions from The Observer:

  1. Thankfully the debt ceiling issue will be taken care of and something really bad will not happen (as long as the Senate passes it as they are expect to do before the end of the week)
  2. The Republicans got taken to the woodshed on this deal and that is why so many Republican members in Congress voted no on this deal.
  3. Had this deal not passed (or if it does not pass in the Senate) Republicans would likely taken most of the blame and that would have hurt them in the upcoming 2024 elections. I have a feeling that is why they took what they could get and put this issue behind them for now.
  4. While the Democrats won on this deal…they still had a decent number of members vote no.

Have you own observations or opinions…let me know in the comments (here or on social media).


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