Home Carroll County Final Carroll County Candidate Campaign Finance Reports for the 2022 General Election

Final Carroll County Candidate Campaign Finance Reports for the 2022 General Election


This is the final Carroll County candidate campaign finance article before for the 2022 General Election. This report is a summary of the money raised, spent and money on hand for candidates running for Commission in District 3 and Board of Education (the only local remaining contested races) for the time frame of August 24th – October 23rd (Pre-General Report 2).

Here are summaries of the campaign reports for candidates running for Commissioner in District 3 in Carroll County:

Tom Gordon (R)

  • Starting Balance: $3,189.06
  • Amount Raised: $13,010.00
  • Amount Spent: $5,038.82
  • Money remaining: $11,160.24

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X9yfM_9qQ25D7Sx8qgkxSPrstZF5DJJa/view?usp=sharing

Zach Hands (D)

  • Starting Balance: $3,019.82
  • Amount Raised: $2,155.00
  • Amount Spent: $3,451.08
  • Money remaining: $1,723.74

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hkN6B0jubX0sHA0vS3Li7tdMA553YWL4/view?usp=sharing

Here are summaries of the campaign reports for candidates running for Board of Education in Carroll County:

Tara Battaglia

  • Starting Balance: $810.82
  • Amount Raised: $3,660.00
  • Amount Spent: $3,929.05
  • Money remaining: $541.77

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_hffXhKXlJ_q9uVbLsdCXn13H5waHW53/view?usp=share_link

Patricia Ann Dorsey

  • Starting Balance: $1,705.93
  • Amount Raised: $7,440.00
  • Amount Spent: $7,626.52
  • Money remaining: $1,519.41

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mVm5mcOHmaFN6QhXgl–ocizCk9eZLq3/view?usp=share_link

Amanda Jozkowski

  • Starting Balance: $5,542.01
  • Amount Raised: $9,400.00
  • Amount Spent: $9,230.33
  • Money remaining: $5,711.68

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KETIUZqahW2dgxTA2Cgk_7uAOIuzqaFD/view?usp=share_link

James Miller

  • Starting Balance: $1,402.35
  • Amount Raised: $2,263.51
  • Amount Spent: $3,001.78
  • Money remaining: $664.08

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KJqB5j3t4m1M8pQQMgmuShvfXPZsJsNa/view?usp=share_link

Tom Scanlan

  • Starting Balance: $6,262.64
  • Amount Raised: $9,215.04
  • Amount Spent: $10,218.74
  • Money remaining: $5,358.94

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zEqdc7GizYVLsrNjcr7jDmBAxcCyy6lZ/view?usp=share_link

Steve Whisler

  • Starting Balance: $1,468.17
  • Amount Raised: $10,826.26
  • Amount Spent: $7,218.03
  • Money remaining: $5,076.40

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d-u6yzw2hQIvhCb8Y1vUf7TF36MsF8gb/view?usp=share_link

Carroll County Citizens United Slate (supporting the BMW candidates)

  • Starting Balance: $2,470.47
  • Amount Raised: $19,692.31
  • Amount Spent: $17,606.74
  • Money remaining: $4,556.04

See full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m1tbbRNhV7L6Cg3FUlQ_nmfs9xkTLVa5/view?usp=share_link

How expensive is it to run for Board of Education?

I decided to look back at the previous campaign finance reports from candidates to total how much they have spent (individual campaigns) on the race during the 2022 election cycle – Looking back to transactions from January 13th – October 23rd (June, July August and October finance reports). Here is that summary of money spent by each candidate / campaign:

Keep in mind this is only looking at candidate campaign spending. This does not include the SLATE or MSEA/CCEA spending on this race.

Early voting is happening now (October 27th – November 3rd)

Election day is November 8th



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