Home Carroll County Upcoming Political Events In Carroll County – August 27th update

Upcoming Political Events In Carroll County – August 27th update


As September approaches we should see an uptick in political events here in Carroll County for the 2022 General Election cycle. The Observer will try to follow and update the readers on upcoming events (for those interested).

Here are the ones that I know about today:

Zach Hands (candidate for Commissioner in District 3) had an event scheduled for August 23rd that he postponed. I will keep an eye out for the new date / time for his event.

I would like to send my best wishes to Zach and his family while dealing with their family medical issue.

The Carroll County Democratic Central Committee will be opening their headquarters today at 10:00am in Westminster.

Amanda Jozkowski (candidate for Board of Education) will be holding a Supportive Education Town Hall event today at 4:00pm in Finksburg (at the Library).

The BMW Slate of candidates for Board of Education (Tara Battaglia, James Miller, and Steve Whisler) will be holding a General Election Kickoff Event on September 11th in Westminster.

Tom Gordon (candidate for Commissioner in District 3) will be holding a fundraiser today on September 27th at 5:30pm in Westminster.

(My mistake on the date – I read 27th and thought it was today. Sorry about that).

The Liberty High School PTSO is hosting the South Carroll BOE Candidate Forum on October 24th. The Carroll Media Center will be recording and streaming the event. The format will be similar to the last forum. All candidates have confirmed attendance. https://www.facebook.com/events/1243906983077906


Those are the upcoming local political events I know about…many happening today.

The Observer will be out and about over the course of the General Election cycle attending various events and taking photos for the community.

If you have an event (or know of an event) be sure to send those to news@carrollcountyobserver.com so I can add them to the schedule for reporting here on the website and in the weekly newsletter updates.

Be sure to sign up for the weekly newsletter here to get updates via email: http://carrollcountyobserver.com/newsletter-subscription/

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