Home Carroll County 2022 Primary Voting Locations in Carroll County

2022 Primary Voting Locations in Carroll County


We are about 24 hours away from the 2022 Primary (July 19th). I thought this would be a good time to share the various polling locations residents will be voting at tomorrow in Carroll County.

Most Carroll County voters will experience a change in their representation at the Congressional, Legislative and/or Commissioner district level.

Find your voting district and polling place by using the Voter Lookup Tool

Here is a listing of the voting locations throughout the county: Polling locations

Commissioner Districts

Carroll County is comprised of five Commissioner districts. To view Carroll County district and precinct information, follow the links below.

Commissioner District Map
Text Listing of Commissioner Districts and Precincts

Legislative Districts

Carroll County has one Legislative District and one Sub-district. The district is 5 and the sub-district is 42C.

Legislative District Map
Text Listing of Legislative Districts and Precincts

Congressional Districts

On a Federal level, the State of Maryland is apportioned into eight Congressional Districts. This determines the number of members to the U.S. House of Representatives from Maryland. Carroll County is apportioned into Congressional Districts two and three.

Congressional District Map
Text Listing of Congressional Districts and Precincts

Want to know more about the candidates before you vote…check out these voter guides:

2022 Carroll County Voter Guides

2022 Carroll County Maryland Voter Guides

The Observer will try and visit a few of the voting locations throughout the county tomorrow and take photos and maybe some last minute video interviews with candidates.

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