Home Carroll County Carroll Transit to Begin Saturday Service Pilot Program on August 6, 2022

Carroll Transit to Begin Saturday Service Pilot Program on August 6, 2022


Yesterday in Open Session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners approved a Saturday Services Pilot Program for the Department of Public Works Carroll Transit System to begin August 6, 2022. The pilot program will provide data to determine the demand for Saturday transit service in the future.

Past public forums revealed a continued concern from customers and partners regarding the need for public transportation services on Saturdays. This three-month pilot program, operating from August 6, 2022 through October 29, 2022 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, will evaluate service demand and provide data for future recommendations for Saturday services. Cost will be the same as the current Demand Response fares, which are based on mileage.

The pilot program will be funded by transit Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) funding with no cost to the Carroll County budget.

More information on the program will be communicated closer to the start of the program. For additional information about Carroll Transit, please visit www.carrolltransitsystem.com.


Interesting fact…the final vote on this initiative was 4 to 1:

Motion To: approve the Department of Public Works (Carroll Transit System) to conduct the Saturday Services Pilot Program from August 1, 2022, through October 28, 2022, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

RESULT: ADOPTED [4 TO 1] MOVER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner SECONDER: Ed Rothstein, President AYES: Ed Rothstein, Richard Weaver, Stephen Wantz, Dennis Frazier NAYS: Eric Bouchat

Watch the discussion and vote on this topic here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhfXQ1Pjy1E&t=4343s

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