Home Carroll County More than 11% of registered voters in Carroll County have requested to...

More than 11% of registered voters in Carroll County have requested to vote by mail as of September 27th


Voting by mail looks to play a significant role in Carroll County in the 2022 General Election.

As of September 27th (the latest data on the State of Maryland Board of Elections website this morning) 14,470 voters in Carroll County have requested to vote by mail in the 2022 General Election.

Per the latest Monthly Voter Registration (via the State of Maryland Board of Elections) there are 128,865 registered voters in Carroll County:

So that means…11.23% of all registered voters have requested to vote by mail in the 2022 General Election (at this point).

If you look back at the Primary Election in July…Carroll County had:

  • 128,369 registered voters (View Data)
  • 14,035 voters had requested to vote by mail in the 2022 Primary (View Data)
    • 9,747 votes were cast by mail (View Data)…so 69.4% of mail in votes requested were returned.
  • Vote by mail (requests) represented 10.93% of registered voters in the 2022 Primary

Vote by mail numbers should continue to increase between today and the cut off date: November 1st is currently listed as the Ballot Request deadline (ballots delivered by mail or fax).

The Observer will continue to track mail in ballot requests as these will play a SIGNIFICANT role in the 2022 General Election (as they did in the 2022 Primary).

For more information on local candidates…be sure to visit:

2022 Carroll County Maryland Voter Guides

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