Home Carroll County More than 11,000 mail in ballots have been returned in Carroll County...

More than 11,000 mail in ballots have been returned in Carroll County for the 2022 General Election


11,011 mail in ballots have been returned to date in Carroll County (making up 65.41% of all ballots sent so far). Here is the latest data as of November 4th from the Maryland Board of Elections:

Note: Other includes “Unaffiliated, Green, Libertarian, WCP or Other”

The number of returned ballots in the 2022 Primary was 9,747 (69.69% of sent ballots).

Here is the latest total voter turnout numbers (focusing on the 10 largest counties in MD).

Carroll County falls to 4th in overall voter turnout %:

  • 5th in Mail In Voting turnout: 8.63%
  • 3rd in Early Voting turnout: 11.14%
  • 4th in Overall Voter turnout: 19.77%

The Observer will continue to watch and report on the Mail In votes returned up to Election day. Be sure to follow The Observer on Facebook for the latest updates: https://www.facebook.com/CarrollObserver

General Election: November 8, 2022, 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.

Learn more: https://elections.carrollcountymd.gov/Default2.aspx or here: http://carrollcountyobserver.com/2022-carroll-county-maryland-voter-guides/

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