Home Carroll County Carroll County has commissioned Mosaic Community Planning, a consulting firm, to conduct...

Carroll County has commissioned Mosaic Community Planning, a consulting firm, to conduct a new countywide Housing Study


Details from Carroll County Government:

For the first time since 2005, Carroll County, with assistance from the consulting firm Mosaic Community Planning, is completing a new Housing Study for the county. Mosaic’s Housing Study will provide Carroll County with a detailed analysis of the current housing stock – its availability, accessibility, adequacy, and affordability – as well as an assessment of the housing needed to meet future demand. This analysis will be informed by significant data analysis and engagement with stakeholders and community members and will inform strategic, actionable fair housing goals and priorities.

In addition to attending a meeting or event, our survey is a great way to share your input on housing needs in Carroll County.

To follow this process and sign-up for our email list please go to: carrollcountymd.gov/housingstudy


You can find the “Carroll County Housing Survey” here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CarrollCoHousing

The survey has 20 questions and is supposed to take around 10 minutes to complete. Some of the questions include:

  • If you have moved or looked for housing in Carroll County in the last 5 years, which factors most limited the housing choices available to you? Select up to three.
  • In your opinion, which of these housing development values should be prioritized in Carroll County? Select all that apply.
  • In your opinion, what rental range(s) have the biggest shortage of rental housing in Carroll County? Select up to two.
  • Which of the following housing types does Carroll County need more of? Please rate the extent to which you believe that more of the following housing types are needed.
  • Thinking about Carroll County over the next 10 years, where do you think new housing would be most appropriate, considering that it could be any type (e.g., single family homes, Accessory Dwelling Units, townhouses, apartments, etc.)? Check all that apply.
  • Do you think any of the following are barriers to fair housing in Carroll County? (Check any that apply.)
  • If you have personally experienced any obstacles that limited your access to housing since living in Carroll County, which characteristics were those obstacles based on? (Check any that apply.)

Obviously the list above is a small sampling of the questions in the survey.

The project’s timeline includes public engagement activities spanning mid-April to mid-June, delivery of a first draft of the Housing Study in July, and public presentations in September and October 2024.

Mosaic Community Planning is based out of Atlanta, GA. You can learn more about the firm here: https://mosaiccommunityplanning.com/ 

The cost of this study is not currently know by The Observer but inquiries will be made and this article will be updated when that information is obtained.

UPDATE: The contract award and bid approval to Mosaic Community Planning LLC in the amount of $81,160.00 can be viewed as part of the Board of County Commissioners November 2, 2023, voting record found here.

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