Home Carroll County Recent News From Around Carroll County Maryland – February 24, 2023

Recent News From Around Carroll County Maryland – February 24, 2023


Below are some items of interest from around Carroll County, Maryland over the past 24 hours on February 24th. This is a collection of articles and posts from various sources in the county. The Observers checks Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok to share items of interest for the community.

I sent this in today….but still considering showing up in person to summarize it at the March meeting. Will depend if I hear back from ANY of the BOE members on this request.

And finally…I am re-sharing this for the community. The Observer will be attending to support this family. I hope to see a few of you out there as well on Saturday.


Some statewide and/or national news of interest:

TikTok video of the day: I do not know how many of you are watching 1923 on Paramount+…but I found this interesting in a recent episode:


Have items you want mentioned…be sure to “tag” the Carroll County Observer (@carrollobserver) on social media posts to be sure we see them to be included in future articles like this one.


Follow news about Carroll County on Google News here:   https://news.google.com/topics/CAAqIQgKIhtDQkFTRGdvSUwyMHZNR2N6WDNJU0FtVnVLQUFQAQ?ceid=US:en&oc=3

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