Home Carroll County Republican Carroll County Commissioner Dennis Frazier starts a petition for TEAM PTA...

Republican Carroll County Commissioner Dennis Frazier starts a petition for TEAM PTA for Board of Education


Dennis Frazier (Republican Carroll County Commissioner representing District 3) has started a Change.org petition backing TEAM PTA (Patricia Ann Dorsey, Tom Scanlan and Amanda Jozkowski). Why is this noteworthy…well maybe because the members of TEAM PTA are not “Republicans” so having support from a local elected Republican could have an impact on the election in 2022.

Noted in the petition:

Voter Pledge:  I support the PTA candidates – Pat Dorsey, Tom Scanlan, & Amanda Jozkowski – for Carroll County Board of Education. I will vote for them on November 8, 2022.


If you are a Kelly Schulz supporter, you are likely as disappointed as I am about how the recent primary elections turned out.  Reasonable Republicans like us cannot lose hope, however. It is important that we exercise our privilege to vote in November by supporting candidates who aren’t aligned with the dangerous minority who spread conspiracy.  Those candidates are on the wrong side of the facts and our democracy. As Rep. Liz Cheney recently stated, “partisanship has to have a limit.”

Fortunately, for the Carroll County school board race, we have three candidates who represent a reasonable alternative.  All three are experienced educators (over 100 years combined training and experience!) and although you may not agree with every single position of each individual, Pat Dorsey, Tom Scanlan and Amanda Jozkowski will be moderate, prudent, and reasonable stewards of our most precious resource: the future of our children.

We cannot abandon the political field to the loudest uncompromising voices. Reasonable Republicans still have a voice in our community, and you can make it be heard by voting for three excellent candidates for school board: Pat Dorsey, Tom Scanlan, and Amanda Jozkowski.

After you sign, please click on the “Share” link to send to friends and family you think might be interested, and leave a comment if you can.

Also, the request for donations after you sign is NOT for the campaigns.  If you are interested in supporting the campaigns, click on the links to their websites below:

·      Pat Dorsey https://www.dorseyforboe.com/

·      Tom Scanlan https://scanlanforeducation.com/

·      Amanda Jozkowski  https://www.amandaj4boe.com/

 Parents | Teachers | Advocates

Currently this online petition only has 28 signatures as of the time of this article.

Why do I note above that the TEAM PTA members backed by Commissioner Frazier are not Republicans…well…there are photos from the opening of the Democratic Central Committee Headquarters location in Westminster in August 2022 showing the TEAM PTA members (click image or link below to see all photos from that event):

View the full photo set here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.177693448131301&type=3

There are a number of other references noting that these members of the community running for a non-partisan race are not Republicans (like this one)…but I will leave that for another day and/or other sources to write about in the future.

It is pretty significant that a local Republican elected official is backing TEAM PTA for Board of Education…while the majority of local elected officials (all Republicans) are backing the BMW Slate of candidates:

2022 Carroll County Maryland Voter Guides

Again…the race for Board of Education is a Non-Partisan race but partisan politics always seems to play a factor in these local races (you can see that in other local Board of Education races around the state and country).

As of August 2022 (the latest data per the state of Maryland) here is a breakdown of voter registration in Carroll County:

  • Republican: 49.9%
  • Democratic: 26.2%
  • Independent: 22.2%
  • Other: 1.6%

It will be intersting to see if using the “Schulz vs Cox” comparison to Republican voters will make a significant difference in a non-partisan race.

The strength of this endorsement with Republican voters is something to look at as Commissioner Frazier ran (as a Republican) for Delegate in District 5 in 2022 coming in 7th place of 8 candidates.

I believe the vast majority of the other candidates that ran in this race are backing the BMW slate of candidates. There are a few candidates (or elected officials in that race) that I have not seen specific endorsements from (Bouchat, Wantz and Jendrek).

There is an upcoming Carroll County Board of Education candidate forum on October 27th:

To learn more about all of the candidates be sure to check out this Voters Guide from The Observer:

As a reminder…early voting for the 2022 Primary in Maryland begins on October 27th:

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