Home Carroll County Carroll County Community Media Center CMSportsNet Spring Season Wrap-Up Show to Premiere...

Carroll County Community Media Center CMSportsNet Spring Season Wrap-Up Show to Premiere June 17, 2022


On Friday, June 17, 2022 the Community Media Center (CMC) will premiere the CMSportsNet Spring Season Wrap-Up Show. The program will air at 7:30 p.m. on cable channel HD-1086. The program, hosted by CMSportsNet Sports Editor Pat Stoetzer, will look back at the 2022 spring season in Carroll County. The Wrap-Up Show will take an in-depth look at the high school and college lacrosse season in Carroll County.

Special guests include Century Girls Lacrosse Coach Becky Groves and Century Boys Lacrosse Coach Jeremy Benson.

Host Pat Stoetzer will profile some of the county’s top players and bring you highlights from the boys and girls season. Plus, Carroll Lynx Men’s Lacrosse Coach Brady Slater and some of his players talk about their 2022 spring season.

CMSportsNet’s Brandon Burkhardt will report on the 2022 high school baseball and softball season with a breakdown of the top teams and season highlights. The program will also feature highlights from the county tennis tournament and the county track and field championship meet.

CMSportsNet’s Spring Season Wrap-Up Show will be rebroadcast on HD-1086 – Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 7:30 p.m. and will be posted on the CMC’s webpage for on- demand viewing. For more information, visit the Community Media Center website at www.carrollmediacenter.org.

Throughout the 2022 spring season, CMSportsNet provided a mixture of live game coverage, highlights and game summaries. Coverage aired on HD-1086 and was distributed across social media. All of CMSportsNet’s season coverage is available for viewing online at www.cmsportsnet.com

Planning is underway for the 2022 fall sports season including; high school football, boys and girls soccer and college soccer coverage. There are numerous opportunities for individuals or businesses in the community to be a part of CMSportsNet’s local coverage.

Community volunteers can choose to help by recording games, gathering statistics or helping with studio or post-productions. CMC will provide all the training and equipment required.

In addition, local businesses and organizations can show their support of our coverage through sponsorships and underwriting opportunities.

If you are interested in being a part of CMSportsNet’s local coverage, please contact the Sherry Taylor, Marketing Director at staylor@carrollmediacenter.org for more details.

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