Home Carroll County End of an Era: Scott E retires the Blog for news coverage...

End of an Era: Scott E retires the Blog for news coverage in Howard County and Carroll County


Well…today is the day…the final day of the Blog entity for news in Howard County and Carroll County. I have been talking about this for some time and it is finally here.

I thought I would make this short video for the followers. Check it out here:


Thank you all so much for all of the support you have provided me and this entity over the years. It has meant the world to me.

I will soon be making changes to the layout of the Blog website now that the site is officially “retired”. I will also begin the transition of the articles to the Blog Archive Website in the near future…so be sure to bookmark that site to find articles from the past: https://scottesblogarchive.wordpress.com/

I plan on scheduling posts on social media (Facebook and Twitter) to share the MANY local candidate interviews and interviews with candidates for Governor of Maryland I completed down the home stretch of this entity. If you missed any of those interviews (28 in total between Howard County, Carroll County and candidates for Governor) you will get another shot to watch them in the future on Scott E’s Blog channels here:

Or the Carroll County Observer channels here:

Maybe we do this again in the future with a new entity…or two. I will make those decisions after a nice long break.

Take care everyone,

Scott E

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  1. I have loved reading your blog and being kept up to date on happenings in Howard County! Thank you for all your amazing reporting! You will be missed! Enjoy your retirement in Carrol County! Breathe in that country air!!

  2. Scott:

    Your service to our communities has been under appreciated. You have done so much to inform our populace. Your efforts will be sorely missed.

    Best wishes for your “long break.”

  3. Thank you, Scott, for your diligence and excellent coverage over the years. A job well done, essential, and very much appreciated. I look forward to seeing what your “return” will look like.

  4. Thank you, Scott !!!
    You have filled a HUGE hole left by the decline of local media.
    Again, many thanks and best wishes!

  5. Scott, Thanks for your service to the Howard and Carroll counties. Your newsletter will be missed by me and I wish you the best in your future endeavors!

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